Have you been searching for a blog post from me for the past few months and found nothing?! TADA! HERE I AM! Yep! I was MIA for the past several months. I've been found by a few of you long time readers who sent emails checking up on me. So, I thought I'd post a few pixels here to let y'all know I'm still alive. The truth is that my Hashimoto's disease has been kicking my hinny. Coupled with the exhaustion that plagues me there's a new (or new to me) side to this disease that has cropped up... spontaneous nosebleeds. While aggravating to most who suffer with them, it has a serious component for us folks living post stroke. We are all on some kind of blood thinner to help prevent a subsequent stroke. Therein lies the problem. My first nosebleed I stood up from my desk intent on going to the bathroom. It took almost an hour to get control of it and stop it. I wasn't so fortunate with the second one. I awoke from a nap and started pouring blood from my left ...
Showing posts from March, 2022